The Switch has been a huge success for Nintendo. The Switch is a popular hybrid console that gamers love, despite a few stumbling blocks like Joy-Con drift. Despite multiple hardware upgrades, Nintendo has not addressed the design flaw that causes controller inputs to drift over time. With a Gulikit-redesigned Joy-Con thumbstick, this problem can be fixed.
Gamers began to notice problems with Nintendo Switch controllers quickly. The potentiometers in the middle position of the read position will become less responsive as you move the sticks. They eventually stop seeing the middle position as zero input. Your character and camera view will still move even if you don't touch the controller. You can either repair or replace your thumbstick, or buy a new one. Nintendo is credited with fixing Joy-Cons free of charge, but the problem will recur.
You can also purchase the Gulikit thumbsticks. These sticks, unlike the stock component use Hall effect sensors for position reading. This technology is based on magnets and does not allow for moving parts to wear down. Nintendo's strange reluctance in addressing Joy-Con drift has one result: all versions of the Switch must accept the same replacement part regardless of whether they are the first-run Switch of 2017 or the most recent OLED model.
To swap in Gulikit’s replacement thumbsticks, you will need to disassemble your Joy-Cons. But that shouldn't be the last time you think about Joy-Con drift. Although the sticks include all the necessary components and tools to install the Hall effect thumbsticks (four assemblies), the kits are currently sold out on Amazon. The Verge reports that it was previously listed at $30. Early user reviews were mostly positive with only minor complaints about the fiddle cables or cheap screws.
GuliKit also offers a complete Bluetooth controller that supports Windows, Android, and Switch. The KingKong 2 Pro has Hall effect sensors, which should not wear out like the replacement parts. Amazon still has this one available for purchase for $70, which is more than the standard Xbox and PS5 controllers. You might be able to do some tinkering if you're not afraid to use the thumbstick kit.
- Study reveals that Joy-Con Drift is a Nintendo Switch Design Flaw
- Nintendo would prefer that you didn't refer to the left Joy-Con design problem as a 'design matter'.
- According to a leaked memo, Nintendo may fix 'Joy-Con drift' for free
By: Ryan Whitwam
Title: Nintendo Switch Upgrade Kit Promises An End to Joy-Con Drift
Sourced From: www.extremetech.com/gaming/342495-nintendo-switch-upgrade-kit-promises-an-end-to-joy-con-drift
Published Date: Mon, 23 Jan 2023 19:13:48 +0000
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